International Match
Washington DC
3rd of September 2010

First round:
Larry Kahn 6 : 1 Andrew Garrard
Ferd Wulkan 6 : 1 Matthew Fayers
Severin Drix 2 : 5 Charles Relle
Mac McAvoy 1 : 6 Geoff Thorpe
Bob Henninge 3 : 4 Stewart Sage
Rick Tucker 5 : 2 Alan Harper
Dave Lockwood 1 : 6 Alan Dean
Jon Lockwood 1 : 6 Matthew Rose
USA 25 : 31 England
Second round:
Larry Kahn
Rick Tucker
6 : 1 Charles Relle
Geoff Thorpe
Ferd Wulkan
Severin Drix
4 : 3 Alan Dean
Stewart Sage
Bob Henninge
Mac McAvoy
: Matthew Rose
Andrew Garrard
Dave Lockwood
Jon Lockwood
1 : 6 Matthew Fayers
Alan Harper
13½ : 14½
USA 38½ : 45½ England
Third round:
Larry Kahn
Rick Tucker
: Alan Dean
Stewart Sage
Ferd Wulkan
Severin Drix
2* : 5* Matthew Fayers
Alan Harper
Bob Henninge
Mac McAvoy
: Charles Relle
Geoff Thorpe
Dave Lockwood
Jon Lockwood
6 : 1 Matthew Rose
Andrew Garrard
18 : 10
USA 56½ : 55½ England
Fourth round:
Larry Kahn
Rick Tucker
: Matthew Rose
Andrew Garrard
Ferd Wulkan
Severin Drix
1 : 6 Charles Relle
Geoff Thorpe
Bob Henninge
Mac McAvoy
: Matthew Fayers
Alan Harper
Dave Lockwood
Jon Lockwood
: Alan Dean
Stewart Sage
: 19½
USA 65 : 75 England
Fifth round:
Larry Kahn
Rick Tucker
0* : 7* Matthew Fayers
Alan Harper
Ferd Wulkan
Severin Drix
6 : 1 Matthew Rose
Andrew Garrard
Bob Henninge
Mac McAvoy
3 : 4 Alan Dean
Stewart Sage
Dave Lockwood
Jon Lockwood
2 : 5 Charles Relle
Geoff Thorpe
11 : 17
USA 76 : 92 England
Sixth round
Larry Kahn 6 : 1 Charles Relle
Ferd Wulkan 1 : 6 Geoff Thorpe
Severin Drix 3 : 4 Matthew Rose
Mac McAvoy 2 : 5 Andrew Garrard
Bob Henninge : Alan Dean
Rick Tucker : Matthew Fayers
Dave Lockwood 4 : 3 Stewart Sage
Jon Lockwood 1 : 6 Alan Harper
USA 23 : 33 England
Final score:
USA 99 : 125 England

Game details

Note: In the following, "Matt" is Matthew Fayers and "Matthew" is Matthew Rose.

Round 1 (Singles):

Larry vs Andrew:
The start was delayed by Larry's search for squidgers. Andrew tried a pot with six reds sitting and scrunged the first. The game developed into an Inglis game, and Andrew cracked first. The outcome was defined largely by Andrew subbing four times. Larry was pretty solid, but didn't especially need to be. Andrew was nursing a headache that lasted until the last game of the match.
Rick vs Alan H:
Alan made a great attempt in the last shot of the game in potting a nurdled small blue on a big yellow, but it was not to be.
Dave L vs Alan D:
Alan made the first mistake, getting one of each squopped in Dave's area, but then played well to turn it around. Going into rounds Dave was squopped up, with seven free turns to Alan.
Mac vs Geoff:
Mac had an early advantage when Geoff went off, but Geoff took control and squopped up in rounds.
Matthew vs Ben:
Ben brought in well and eventually tried a pot-out, but could not pot. Matthew squopped better. Ben blew a pile in round 1 but kept missing near to Matthew's winks and ran out of time to pot. 6-1 in a poor game to Matthew.
Ferd vs Matt:
A totally unremarkable game in which Ferd played well and Matt played poorly.
Bob vs Stew:
A 4-3, tight match. Bob failed to pot his first red when blue was mostly under. Stew got a lot of long squops to hold on. Stew put two greens in in the 4th. Bob missed a red pot in the 4th. Stew missed in the 5th. Bob potted his first red, but scrunged the second in the 5th to end, leaving green on 8 and red on 7.
Severin vs Charles:
A large pile was controlled by Severin, with Charles controlling a smaller pile. It went from Severin's greens squopped up and Charles with one colour immobile; next round there were but three single squops, just before time. This ended with tiddlies 12 and 10 to Charles, 11 and 9 to Severin.

Round 2 (Pairs):

A1 vs E4:
Larry and Rick had marginal control of the huge pile for most of the game. Geoff blew up the pile in round 4, so round 5 is a totally wide-open potting race. Larry and Rick pot well enough, Geoff and Charles do not, giving a 6-1 to Larry and Rick.
A2 vs E3:
A close game. Four yellows (Stew) versus five blues (Severin) in rounds. Yellow potted then moved in. The next time, missing onto another yellow. Blue potted four. England settled for a 4-3 loss by squopping red (Ferd).
A3 vs E2:
A tight and interminably slow game. Matthew rolled off early and got squopped. Andrew and Matthew still had a strong position. A long tactical discussion left a doubleton firm-up by Andrew that fell off. Bob played a great shot onto a tripleton that left Matthew and Andrew behind. More slow but complex play in rounds left Matthew an escape with red in first and a chance to squop for half a point - but missed it in round five.
A4 vs E1:
The Lockwoods took early control of the game, targetting green (Alan) and leaving him few winks, with Matt one wink down due to an early Carnovsky. A lucky blow of a pile of greens flipped the game and England came out easy winners.

Round 3 (Pairs):

A1 vs E3:
Alan gave a virtuoso subbing performance. The outcome should have been 6-1, but Larry missed an easy pot in round 5, giving the Brits an undeserved extra half point.
A2 vs E1:
Alan went under, but Matt stayed free. Feerd tried to beat Matt to the pot, but a good squop by Alan in Round 5 ensured Alan and Matt prevailed 5-2.
A3 vs E4:
Bob played very surefootedly, guiding his partner and keeping him out of trouble. Geoff had started very shakily against Larry and Rick, and still had not totally recovered his form. Bob and Mac, playing very slowly, a tempo to which their opponents had not adjusted, had a small advantage going into rounds, and were able to preserve it to the end.
A4 vs E2:
Matthew brought in badly. Andrew missed a couple of sitters. Jon was pretty solid. Lots of Matthew and Andrew's misses left doubletons, meaning they ran out of winks. Subs at the end of the game sealed it.

Round 4 (Pairs):

A1 vs E1:
Rick and Matthew brought in safe. Andrew brought in under Larry, but slowed tempo. Matthew went for the pot out, got two, and a protracted third and fourth near time. Andrew hassled well and Rick didn't pot well enough to catch Matthew. Andrew potted in round 5 for the extra half: 4½-2½ to Matthew and Andrew.
A2 vs E4:
Geoff and Charles had the upper hand most of the way. Geoff had regained confidence, and was now playing well. Severin played some amazing shots to keep his side in the game, including a three wink Bristol that Charles would not have considered, let alone attempted, but the winks rather ran against them, and a 6-1 to the English pair was the result.
A3 vs E2:
Matt's early pot-out threat drew the Americans into the area where a pile emerged. Mac lay down an early potting gauntlet which Alan and Matt managed to match to snatch a small win, 4½-2½.
A4 vs E3:
There was a tense stand-off for much of the game. Slightly better play by England in round 5 sow them with 4½-2½.

Round 5 (Pairs):

A1 vs E1:
Matt brought in very well, while Larry rolled off. Matt ran six in his seventh turn, and the game ended with no greens in the pot and a yellow still on the baseline. 7*-0* to the Brits.
A2 vs E2:
Andrew and Matthew started strongly, missed some sitters, and Ferd and Sev got some good shots onto singles. Some piles got blown, freeing all Ferd and Sev's yellows. Matthew and Andrew ended up mostly under. A good shot onto a triple left Andrew with a 2mm squop with blue, ending 3. The squidger stuck, then the wink moved while lining up, making freeing blues very hard. Yellow potted for first. Red missed trying to help. Blue got a very long squop onto the pile, but missed the pot off.
A3 vs E3:
Bob and Mac potted from the baseline. Bob missed a 3" squop that would have let Mac pot out. Two colours could get five in but had one squopped, leaving a race for third. Bob missed a simple pot, giving Stew the third place.
A4 vs E4:
With a solid victory, or at least a solid result, achieved, Geoff and Charles felt much happier, as did their whole team. England had been one point down at half time, but a four wins in the next round lifted morale. Added to this, Charles and Geoff had made a major contribution with their six. They were aware that Dave was a considerable strategist, and that the opponents' endgame potting was a strength, but played with care, and kept down mistakes, doing enough to gain a 5-2 win.

Round 6 (Singles):

Charles vs Larry:
Larry had a strong early position, tried a pot-out and missed; then Charles took over that strong position. On entering regulation, Larry blew up a pile to make a more open game, and pots out eventually, getting 6*.
Andrew vs Mac:
Andrew was well ahead in a squopping game until a large pile was blown in round 2. Some amazing long pots by Mac followed by a few short misses left Andrew able to go first - possibly because Mac potted instead of squopping.
Matthew vs Severin:
Matthew brought in well with one colour. Severin brought in poorly. Matthew went for the pot out, having got one in from the baseline, got as far as two in, and mananged to keep the game going into rounds (partly by lunching a blue) looking good for first place. Severin never quite squopped all the greens in spite of having some piles, which kept reds busy enough that he could only get 3, leaving a 4-3 to Matthew.
Matt vs Rick:
A very positional game with micro shots until all winks would fit within a 7" radius, which lasted until just about when time ran out. Then potting... potting... Rick was finally ahead with 13 tiddlies. Matt's red frees a blue, taking him also to 13. Amazing fifth round ending pots takes red to 14 tiddlies - 5½-1½ to Matt. A fun game!
Alan H vs JonL:
Green soon got pinned down by ALan but yellow was lurking dangerously, so a chase soon developed. A particularly unfortunate sub helped blue/red subdue the yellows and a solid squop-up progressed to a 6-1 win for Alan.
Geoff vs Ferd:
Ferd potted a blue from the baseline, a further blue which had been boondocked was also potted. Geoff took advantage from the extra winks to win 6-1.
Alan D vs Bob:
A hard-squopping battler that ended with three winks in the pot and three colours squopped up. It looked like being a bigger win for Bob than the 4.5-2.5 which it ended up as, because in round 4 Bob got onto the pile with containing several of his other colour, but Alan then knocked him off again from the baseline about three feet away, without disturbing any other winks in the pile.
Stew vs Dave:
Stew tried to pot out and failed. Dave won 4-3.

There is an image of all the players involved in the International Match ((C) copyright Andrew Garrard, 2010) may be found here. Small images of the events of the International tour may be found here. More photographs of the event, taken by Rick Tucker, are available.