pl. pts. 1. Nameless Team 0 0
Rule 2.
(a) Teams should normally field two pairs (four players) for each match. Each
pair will play one game against each opposing pair. Larger team matches
may be played by mutual agreement of the two competing teams.
(b) Each team are permitted to use one non-team player in a match. To prevent
unfair use being made of mercenaries, the intention to use such a player
should be communicated in advance to the opposing Captain who may raise an
objection. In this case, a team of three may be played with no penalty except
that the opponents may designate one player who will not be permitted to play
(c) Once a player has made one guest appearance he/she may thereafter only
represent their original team (except in the case of rule 1(d)).
(d) In the event that only three players are available other than the scenario
described in rule 2(b), then one player may play singles, but will only be
awarded half the number of points he/she obtains.
Rule 3.
(a) The competition will run from 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017 (though it used to be on an academic year basis). Each
team should, if possible, play one match against each opposing team. The
matches may be played in any order. No more than one match should be played
between any two teams. Matches should be distinct and not part of another
rated tournament. The scoresheet of each match should be
sent to the organiser and will be counted only if received by 30th June 2017. Please also send a scoresheet to the ratings maintainer.
(b) At the end of the competition the organiser may discount all scores
involving teams which have played an insufficient number of matches. This is
to prevent unfair advantage accruing to a team by virtue of a result against
a weak team who played very few other matches (and may have been formed for
this purpose!). Teams will be notified if games they have played seem to be
in danger of falling into this category.
(c) A team's score for the competition will be the total number of points
scored in all matches played by the team, not the number of matches won.
Scorelines in any matches played involving more than 2 pairs per team, as
permitted by rule 2(a), will be scaled so that the total points awarded in
a single match will be 28. At the end of the competition, the team with the
most points will be declared champions.
Rule 4.
The organiser for the 2016-17 season is Andrew Garrard (etwa at
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