Tiddlywinks World Records

as recognised by ETwA

World Championships

World Singles: Larry Kahn (USA) has won the title 24 times (1983-2016).
World Pairs: Larry Kahn (USA) has won the title 20 times (1978-2022).

National Championships

ETwA Singles: Patrick Barrie (UK) has won the title 12 times (1993-2024).
ETwA Pairs: Matthew Rose (UK) has won the title 11 times (1996-2017).
NATwA Singles: Larry Kahn (USA) has won the title 31 times (1981-2019).
NATwA Pairs: Larry Kahn (USA) has won the title 26 times (1976-2019).

University Championships

Silver Wink: Cambridge University has won the British Universities' championship lots of times (about 20 times at the last count).

Potting Records

Speed: Stephen Williams (Altrincham Grammar School) potted 24 winks from 45 cm (18 in) in 21.8 sec in May 1966.
Accuracy: Larry Kahn potted 12 winks from 3 feet in 21 shots in July 1978.
10,000 winks: Allen R. Astles (University of Wales) potted 10,000 winks in 3 hr 51 min 46 sec at Aberystwyth, Dyfed, in February 1966.
4-pot relay: The "official" record for potting winks through 4 pots in relay, each from 15 inches, in three minutes is 41 by Patrick Barrie, Nick Inglis, Geoff Myers and Andy Purvis (Cambridge University Tiddlywinks Club) at Queens' College, Cambridge, on 21 Oct 1989 (and equalled by the same group on 14 Jan 1995). However, Winking World 11 reported that a team from Exeter University achieved 44 winks in February 1967.

Other Records

Various other records have been claimed by people both within and without the tiddlywinks community, some of which have been recognised at some point by Guinness World Records. These include the "fastest mile", "fastest 100 m", "furthest distance covered in 24 hours" and "longest game". The following two are mentioned here because the website maintainer was the witness:

  • Long jump: The long jump record is 9.52 m (31 ft 3 in) by Ben Soares (St Andrews Tiddlywinks Society) on 14 Jan 1995.
  • High jump: The high jump record is 3.49 m (11 ft 5 in) by Adrian Jones, David Smith and Ed Wynn (Cambridge University Tiddlywinks Club), all on 21 Oct 1989. This was the highest that the bar could be raised...

Full list of winners of major tiddlywinks tournaments (including world championships).

People interested in tiddlywinks world records might like to visit Rick Tucker's page on tiddlywinks world records.

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